幼児・子供英会話教室 キッツトーク
赤羽駅南口から徒歩8分 体験教室受付中!
〜 キッツトークの思想 〜
通常のカリキュラム以外に、プレイスクール(2時~3時)サタデーファンクラブ、ハロウィーンパーティ、クリスマスパーティ、ピクニック、サマースクールなども行っています。 私たちはキッツ・トークをスクールであると同時にファミリーでもあると思っています。保護者の方々のパートナーとして子どもの教育に関わることで、子供たちが次々と出会う新しい事にも挑戦していく気持ちを、一緒に育てていきたいと考えています。熱心な教師たち、保護者の方々の協力に支えられた私たちのスクールに他とは違った子供たちの学ぶ姿、遊ぶ姿を是非見にいらしてください。
KIDS TALK English school, established in 1999, was the first children's English school in Akabane to offer morning classes matching the Japanese kindergarten time frame.(9:00a.m.-2:00p.m.). The school also offers afternoon classes for children at Japanese kindergartens and elementary schools (3:20-4:50p.m. and 5:00-6:30p.m.). We provide consistent, high quality education, alongside teaching the children manners and social skills. KIDS TALK has a no-Japanese speaking rule, which ensures immersion in an English environment at all times. The children are encouraged to use their language skills naturally. The maximum number of eight per class allows us to further this through our high teacher - student ratio. Our experienced teachers teach all four areas of language, listening, speaking, reading and writing- through free and structured play, and carefully designed lessons. Textbooks and reading books are chosen to accommodate the needs of the child. KIDS TALK uses the Oxford Reading Tree as the main reading programme, and was one of the pioneer schools in Japan to implement this system. As children learn quickly through music and rhythm, our extensive live music programme is something of which we are particularly proud. Extra curriculum activities include Playschool (between 2:00 and 3:00p.m.), Halloween and Christmas parties, picnics and Summer School. We consider KIDS TALK as much a family as a school where, in partnership with the parents, we can nurture the children so that they can feel prepared and motivated to meet new challenges in their journey through life. We are proud of our school and the dedicated team of staff and parents that help make our small community special. To truly appreciate what makes our school unique, you need to visit and observe our children at work and play. If you have any questions in either English or Japanese, please do not hesitate to contact the school.